Anyone who has had the need to ship goods from one country to another knows how the practices of export and import clearance to be carried out at customs can be complicated and time-consuming.
Our goal is to make these operations as simple and quick for exporters and importers as possible, notifying them before the goods actually arrive at loading or discharge ports, and following them throughout the practice, which at times may require the sampling and analysis of the goods.

We follow the export, import and transit customs clearance of any goods in all the Italian custom houses.
On the behalf of our customers we can obtain the issuing of preferential origin documents like EUR1 /ATR from the main Italian customs.
In support of import transactions, we are able to organize the paperwork for obtaining clearance of goods subject to sanitary, phytosanitary and veterinary controls.

Our company has always worked in the Free Port of Trieste. The free port was established in 1719 by Emperor Charles VI. It has been recognized by the Treaty of Peace of Paris of 1947 and the London Memorandum of 1954. Both the Italian legislation and the European Community have adopted special rules that regulate it.

The main benefits of the free port are the following:
a) goods destined to be imported in European Community through the port of Trieste
unloading and transshipment operations may begin immediately upon arrival of the vessel at berth, regardless of the nature and destination of the cargo, without any customs compliance. The goods unloaded at the port of Trieste are considered “in transit” and are exempted from payment of import duty and taxes as long as remain in the free port area.

b) goods exported from the port of Trieste:
Goods entering the port of Trieste, if they have been exported from internal customs or if they have been exported at the customs of the port of Trieste, are considered “out of the European Community”, even if they are still lying in a warehouse of the free port and regardless of their actual departure.

c) Goods in transit through the port of Trieste:
All the goods in transit through the port of Trieste and destined to countries belonging to the European Community or not communitarian countries may be stored in the warehouses of the free port without any time limit and for all the time they will be stored here no duties and import taxes must be paid. If they will be really delivered to a not communitarian country, duties and taxes will never be paid.

d) Storages of the goods in the free port:
the goods discharged or destined to be shipped through the port of Trieste may be stored for a not defined time in the free port warehouses.

e) terms of payment for import duties
the importing company can pay for the duties and import VAT to the Italian customs within 6 months from the date of import clearance, if they issue a bank or insurance guarantee to the customs. The interest rate on these amount is 50% of the Euribor rate. In order to promote this service and increase the traffic through the port of Trieste, our company follows the importing companies in order to issue all the requested documents and support them to obtain this license, we are following their payments.

At the Trieste free port and close to the main Italian customs we can offer the Italian and communitarian importing companies the opportunity to import the goods suspending the payment of Italian Value Added Tax through the so called “VAT warehouses”.
This operation is particularly interesting for the communitarian not Italian companies, who are not forced to pay the import VAT to the Italian customs and wait for many months to be refunded.

We are following the legalization of invoices and certificate of origin at the foreigner embassies and consulates in Italy.