Basically not much has changed since Roman times: the most economical and environmentally friendly way of transport goods over long distances is still the maritime shipment.

Certainly, compared to our ancestors, current tools and technologies allow us to perform the transport by sea in a safer, faster, more efficient and economical way, but the experience and human capacity are factors that make still the difference.

Since the early years of our life, the company has been specialized in shipping timber and forest products (logs, boards, cellulose) by sea, offering storage and manipulation of goods (ventilation, assortment , marking, labeling, measurement) to complete the usual offer of port handling and stowage and charter of part or full vessels.

In the last twenty years we have focused our expertise to study and organize shipments of plant and equipment (project cargo). In this field we are offering a tailor-made door to door shipments, from the preliminary study of the feasibility of the project until the delivery of the goods to the customer’s warehouse.

We use the ferry and ro/ro services connecting the ports of Trieste, Venice, Monfalcone (Italy) and Koper (Slovenia) to:


We offer simple and sure shipment solutions for heavy or extragauged goods destined to or coming from these countries and we can follow on behalf of freight forwarders or trucking companies working on these lines many services like transhipments from truck to truck or from truck to mafi trailers or viceversa.


We are offering lashing and covering operations on the goods onto containers and mafi trailers and the handling of rolling vehicles in the port of loading or destination.



All that you can stuff into a container (FCL) we can ship to all other the world.

Many times we can stuff into container also voluminous cargo or heavy pieces, thanks to the lifting tools projected and suitable for safe and sure handling.

Even the goods which could not be stuffed into a box container, we can stow and ship using all the special equipments available in the ports of loading, like open top, flat rack and platform containers.

The geographical position of the main Adriatic ports where we are working allows us to offer competitive services to and from the Danube and Balkan countries (Austria, Bavaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia) and especially for goods destined to or coming from Mediterranean countries, East Africa, Persian Gulf, the Indian subcontinent, southeast Asia, China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan.

If the quantity of the goods you need to ship is not enough to fill the space of one container entirely, we can arrange the shipment by groupage container (LCL). The service is offered directly from us for some destinations and through serious and selected NVOCC operators for other destinations.

For more information about the service LCL exports to Israel, please visit the “special Israel” found at this link..

For goods from China, Japan, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka assigned to our agents in those countries we can offer direct service to the port of Trieste or Koper, where we receive the goods for importation and delivery to Italy and to all Central European and Balkan countries.

Until anyone can send an apple to travel over the Internet or a bolt economically and safely with the teleportation, we will be here, ready to meet future challenges and offer transport services on the older and more environmentally sustainable: