For a full detailed list of cargo wagons, click here



Internal measurements of wagon body* Freight wagon Loading door
Type of wagon and extras No.of axles Length Width Height Capacity Area of loading space Max. payload Tare weight Length inc.buffers Axle weight Width Height
m m m m3 m2 t t m t m m
Steel bodied with:strong>
Self sealing doors 4 13,70 2,650 2,791 120,0 38,0 68,0 14,73 22,5 2,000 2,300
Widened loading door 4 13,74 2,650 2,791 120,0 38,0 68,0 24,0 14,73 23,0 3,794 2,343
Wooden bodied:
With steel structure 4 13,70 2,650 2,791 120,0 38,0 68,0 22,0 14,73 22,5 2,000 2,300
Without hand brake 4 13,33 2,650 2,402 106,0 36,9 64,0 22,7 14,73 21,7 1,830 2,130
With hand brake 4 13,33 2,650 2,402 106,0 36,9 64,0 24,2 15,35 22,0 1,830 2,130

Loading space area may vary due the supporting framework of the body.

Palette space: 34 European palettes ( 800x1200mm) – 26 Finnish pallettes (1000x1200mm)



Internal measurements of wagon body
Type of wagon No. of axles Length, m Width, m Height of sides Area of loadingspace, m2 Payload, t Tare weight, t Length inc. buffers, m Axle weight, t
Side, m End, m
Steel sided 4 13,300 2,770 0,500 0,305 36,8 66,0 21,0 14,620 21,75
Steel sided 4 13,300 2,770 0,500 0,400 36,8 70,0 20,9 14,620 22,73

h pallettes (1000x1200mm)



Type of wagon and use Technical specifications of wagon Nr of hatches Measurements of hatches
No.of axels Max. load in tonnes Capacity m3 Tareweight t Length mm Axle weight t Loading Unloading Loading mm Unloading mm
Mineral wagon 19-X052 4 64 58 20,5 12 000 21,1 2 2 3620×700 4500×880
Mineral wagon 19-X051 4 64 57 20 12 090 21 2 2 3620×700 4500×880
Mineral wagon 19-740 4 64 73 22 13 200 21,5 4 4 1620×470 2382×840
Grain wagon 11-739 4 65 93 22 14 720 21,75 4 6 ? 576 1080×475
Grain wagon 19-752 4 70 94 23 14 720 23,25* 4 6 1592×562 1080×475
Grain wagon 19-756 4 76,5 111 23,5 14 720 25* 4 6 1620×470 2382×840
Cement wagon 19-715 4 67 55 18,5 11 920 21,4 4 4 ? 621 500×400
Cement wagon 19-X752 and 19-X751 4 62 45,3 22 12 220 21,5 4 4 ? 619 500×400
Cement wagon 19-7581 4 72 60 19,5 11 920 23,25* 4 4 ? 621 500×400



Freight wagon
Type of wagon No.of axles Number of containers Capacity t Tare weight t Length incl. buffers m Axle weight t
Container wagon with spigots 4 3×20′ or 1×40’+1×20′ 60,0 22,0 19,620 21,5
Container wagon with spigots 4 2×20′ or 1×40′ 62,0 21,0 14,620 20,75



Internal measurements of wagon body Freight wagon Hatch discharging
Type of wagon and extras No.of axels Length Width Height Capacity Area of loading space Max. payload Tare weight Loading height Length inc. buffers Axle weight ** No. Measurements
m m m m3 m2 t t m m t m
Steel body 4 12,076 2,750 2,060 73,0 35,0 69,0 22,0 1,400 13,920 22,7 14 1,327×1,540
Steel body with hand brake 4 11,988 2,750 2,060 70,2 34,1 69,0 23,2 1,400 14,410 23,05 14 1,327×1,540
Steel body 4 11,988 2,750 1,900 58,5 34,7 64,0 22,4 1,400 13,920 21,6 14 1,327×1,540
Steel body with fixed ends 4 12,700 2,750 2,060 76 35 69 22,5 1,400 13,920 22,9 14 1,327×1,540
Steel body without bottom hatch 4 12,088 2,750 2,060 73,0 34,1 69,0 21,1 1,400 13,920 2,5
